PASS Virtual Summit 2020 – Nov 9-13

This summit offers 2 days of pre-conference sessions plus 3 days or regular (75 minute or 2 hour) sessions. It runs through all time zones and can be watched for 1 year. This is no pressure to figure out which sessions to attend, but of course we will miss the live/in-person networking and side conversations the Summit is so famous for.

The two pre-conference sessions I would like to attend are:


Microsoft Azure Platform Infrastructure – Denny Cherry   

When it comes to moving SQL Server systems into the Azure platform, having a solid understanding of the Azure infrastructure will make migrations successful and support solutions easier. An improperly designed and configured infrastructure will result in performance problems, manageability problems, and can be difficult to resolve without downtime. In this one-day session, we’ll review the various infrastructure components that make up the Microsoft Azure platform.


Execution Plans in Depth Hugo Kornelis  

For troubleshooting slow queries, looking at the execution plan is a good starting point. However, just looking at the plan does not always help. Sometimes, you need to dig deeper. In this full-day, pre-con session, you will learn everything you need to take your understanding of execution plans to the next level. If you have seen some execution plans but feel you need to bring your understanding to the next level, then this pre-con session is for you!

I have a session for Wednesday on Agile Data Warehouse

There are some virtual networking, which will be different, but should help with the seeing of old and new faces. This includes a Welcome Reception, Spotlights and Health/Wellness breaks

Please register and join one of the largest Data Platform conferences and take a break from work.

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About the Author: admin

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